by Martijn Meeter & Jaap Murre
It would be highly beneficial to
users if methods and parameters
that have the same name in different paradigms mean the same thing in those
paradigms. If one has learned to use a certain method in one paradigm, one
should not have to look up in a manual whether a method with the same name
in a different paradigm does the same thing in both paradigms.
Therefore a set of rules governs name-giving in Nutshell paradigms.
For an understanding of the terms used in this text (e.g., "tract", or
"layer"), see the
Glossary of definitions used in
Paradigm Methods and Parameters document.
Below, in this document:
- Methods
- Learning, Cycling, Steps, "Cycle steps"
- Clamp and deactivate
- "Insert Layer", "Resize Layer", "Delete Layer",
"Insert Tract", "Delete Tract"
- Resetting layers and tracts
- Parameters
- Parameters
- Connections: Weight and Exists
- Tract: "Weight Max", "Weight Sum", and "Normalized"
Top of this document.
[Back to contents]
- Learning, Cycling, Steps, "Cycle steps"
- Clamp and deactivate
- "Insert Layer", "Resize Layer", "Delete Layer",
"Insert Tract", "Delete Tract"
- Resetting layers and tracts
Learning, Cycling, Steps, "Cycle steps"
Most paradigms have two different types of cycles: learning and activation
cycles, in which respectively the weights and the state of the nodes are
updated. This can occur for one step (iteration), but it is often more
efficient to let one command result in a number of cycles.
In Nutshell the global parameter name "Cycle Steps" is reserved for the
number of cycle steps that one cycle-command will result in.
A number of methods in this realm have set definitions:
"Act Cycle" means updating node states (either of one node per step
as in Hopfield or of all nodes simultaneously) for a "Cycle Steps"
number of times. Weights must be left alone during "Act Cycle".
"Act Step" means updating node states (either of one node or of all
nodes simultaneously) just once.
"Learn" means updating the weights once. Node states must be left alone
during "Learn". It often does not make sense to "learn" for more than
one step at a time, since without intermediate updating of activities
this would amount to learning with a higher learning parameter.
In paradigms where a difference would occur, "Learn Step" would mean
updating the weights just once, and "Learn Cycle" would mean updating
for a "Cycle Steps" number of times.
"LearnAct Cycle" means first doing one "Learn Step", then one
"Act Step". This combination occurs a "Cycle Steps" number of times
(or once if the method is: "LearnAct Step").
"ActLearn Cycle" means first doing one "Act Step", then one
"Learn Step". This combination is repeated a "Cycle Steps" number
of times (or once if the method is: "ActLearn Step" as in Kohonen).
Anything else, anything that updates weights and node variables at the
same time, should have a different name than those mentioned. Anything
that combines learning and activation updating in other ways that doing
them sequentially should be called otherwise. If there is one dominant
way in which the network iterates, but it is not "Act Cycle", not "Learn
Cycle" because weights and node states are both updated, then the method
name "Cycle" can be used for this iteration way. (e.g., updating of
weights and activations together occurs in the MacGregor paradigm in
intermixed ways, and is therefore called "Cycle").
"Cycle" means updating weights and node states at once for a
"Cycle Steps" number of times.
"Step" means updating weights and node states at once just one time.
Since "Cycle Steps" may influence all cycling methods or none at all,
paradigm authors should specify in the comment line in the parameter
definition to what methods "Cycle Steps" applies.
Clamp and deactivate
Clamping a layer means making all the nodes
and the same holds for
(see definitions).
It is unnecessary to have methods to clamp or deactivate layers:
in the browser one can easily clamp whole layers by using the mouse,
while in scripting one can use the notation
"layer.clamped=true/false" or
If one would wish to program methods anyway, there would be two choices
for a correct nomenclature: either implement both "Clamp Layer" and
"Unclamp Layer", or implement "Toggle Clamping" (of course they can
also be both implemented). The same goes for deactivation.
"Clamp Layer" makes all nodes in the selected layer clamped,
independent of the state they are in (deactivated nodes are not
clamped). If this method is implemented, there should be an
"Unclamp Layer" command as well.
"Unclamp Layer" makes all nodes in the selected layer unclamped,
independent of their current state.
"Toggle Clamping" may be implemented on the layer level, or on the
layer and node level. On the node level it makes the selected node
unclamped when it is clamped, and clamped when it is unclamped.
On the layer level, it either clamps or unclamps all nodes in the
selected layer.
If all nodes are not in the same clamping state, whether they are
clamped or not should depend on the state of the first layer node.
If the first node of the layer is unclamped, then the layer gets
clamped, and the other way around (this is arbitrary, but one should
strive for consistency in arbitrariness).
"Deactivate Layer" makes all nodes in the selected layer deactivated,
independent of the state they are in. If this method is implemented,
there should be an "Reactivate Layer" command as well.
"Reactivate Layer" reactivates (=un-deactivates) all nodes in the
selected layer, independent of their current state.
"Toggle Deactivation" may be implemented on the layer level, or on the
layer and node level. On the node level it deactivates the selected node
if it is not deactivated, and reactivates it if it is deactivated.
On the layer level, it either deactivates or reactivates all nodes in
the selected layer depending on the state of the first layer node.
If the first node of the layer is deactivated, then the layer gets
un-deactivated, and the other way around.
"Insert Layer", "Resize Layer", "Delete Layer",
"Insert Tract", "Delete Tract"
These are all necessary methods. They should perhaps preferably be the
first methods, and appear in the above order. All have obvious meanings.
Less obvious but nevertheless sensible: both insertion and resizing
should set the layer or tract to a "reset" state, with layer or tract
parameters at suitable default values.
Resetting layers and tracts
To resolve ambiguity as to what is reset, several resetting methods
may be implemented:
"Reset Layer Nodes" should reset node parameters and leave layer
parameters alone ("Reset Layer Nodes" should NOT reset clamping
or deactivation).
"Reset Tract Conn" should reset connection parameters and leave
tract parameters alone.
"Reset Layer Pars" should reset layer parameters and leave node
parameters alone.
"Reset Tract Pars" should reset tract parameters and leave connection
parameters alone.
Parameters should be reset to a sensible default; what those defaults
are is up to the paradigm. Paradigm authors should make them clear in
their documentation.
[Back to contents]
- Nodes: Clamped and Deactivated
- Nodes: Act
- Layer: K and hard kWTA
Nodes: Clamped and Deactivated
Paradigm builders must implement clamping and deactivation on the node
level (see definitions).
Nodes: Act
"Act" is the activation state of the node. One should only call
an activation parameter "Act" if it is at the same time the output
of the node.
If the activation is not the output variable, both must get a different
E.g., membrane potential in MacGregor nodes is not the output of
a node, firing is; it would confuse users who have used other paradigms
if membrane potential was nevertheless called "Act"
(instead of "Membrane").
"Spike" should be used for the output state if it is different from
the activation state (and thus cannot be called "Act"), and if the
output is binary (e.g., true or false, 0 or 1). If the activation
and output state differ from the above in other ways, new terms
should be used.
Layer: K and hard kWTA
"K" should mean: number of nodes in the layer that should be active
(either through hard or soft "k Winner Take All").
"Hard kWTA" should be a Boolean parameter of a layer that determines
if a layer has hard kWTA dynamics or not.
[Back to contents]
- Connections: Weight and Exists
- Tract: "Weight Max", "Weight Sum", and "Normalized"
Connections: Weight and Exists
"Weight" should be a factor by which the output state of the sending
neuron is multiplied. Anything else (e.g., nonlinear calculation factors)
should not be called "Weight".
Sometimes, a modeler may not want all nodes in two layers to be connected,
or may wish to lesion weights. A weight of 0 is then often used to indicate
that a weight does not exist.
Though this is efficient, weights can also become 0 through learning,
and it may not be the intention of the modeler to let the weight "die"
by making it 0.
Therefore, existence of a weight should be coded by making a second,
Boolean, parameter for connections: "Exists".
This parameter should be implemented whenever the paradigm author suspects
that users of the paradigm may want to lesion or leave uncreated certain
weights within a tract.
Tract: "Weight Max", "Weight Sum", and "Normalized"
"Weight Max" is the maximum value a weight can attain.
If there is a choice within the paradigm whether weights are normalized
or not, "Normalized" must be a Boolean parameter of a tract that determines
whether a tract has normalizing weights or not.
The default normalizing method should be the simplest: incoming, linear
normalization, where all weights are multiplied with the desired weight
sum divided by the actual weight sum.
"Weight Sum" is that desired weight sum. It has no meaning if the tract
is non-normalizing.