Data of Meeter, Murre & Janssen (subm.)
To download the files, click here.
Here we give the retention data reported in �Remembering the news: Modeling retention data
from a study with 14,000 participants�, currently in press at Memory and Cognition. The
data are given in four different files, packed into one zip. Three of the files give the
data points underlying experiments 1, 2, and 3. The fourth gives participant variables
necessary for splitting out the sample in different subsamples. The data in this file can
be combined with that in the other files with database programs such as mySQL or Access.
If you do not have such a program or are unable to use them, please do not hesitate to
contact us at to receive a custom data set with relevant variables
together. We here describe the variables in the files. This text assumes that the
manuscript has been read (see under �publications� on this site).
Files for experiments 1, 2 and 3 (dnmt-expt1, expt2, expt3.txt)
These files have the same variables, with names given on the first line of the file.
Each subsequent line gives the data of one single trials (a trial is a question being
asked to one participant; per test there were either 30 or 40 trials).
q_id: a number identifying the question in the trial. More information about the questions
can be found in the manuscript.
q_type: the format of the question. Many questions have been formulated both as a
multiple-choice 4-AFC question (q_type=0), and as an open question (q_type=1).
Some questions are only in 4 AFC format, because there was no short answer for them that
could be tested for in open format.
sess_id: number of the session. Each time that a participant does a test, it counts as a
session. The session number can be used to link trials to the participant information
given in the sessionsdata file.
score: variable giving whether the question was answered correctly (1) or not (0).
q_age: number of days between the moment that the question was formulated, and the moment
that it was answered in this particular trial.
rt: gross indication of the time the participant needed to answer the question. This also
includes internet transfer times.
This file gives information on participants, with variable names given on the first line
of the file. Each subsequent line gives data for one session. A particular participant can
appear on several lines if they did the test more than once.
sess_id: number of the session. Each time that a participant does a test, it counts as a
session. The session number can be used to link trial data given in the expt1, expt2 and
expt3 files to the participant information given in the sessionsdata file.
subj_id: number of the participant. Each participant has a unique number.
ses_mean: proportion of questions answered correctly in the session.
s_newsp: gives the number of newspapers read by the participants in a week. �1.5� stands
for �1 or 2�, �4� for �3 to 5�.
s_tvnews: gives the number of days in a week that the participants saw news on tv. �1.5�
stands for �1 or 2�, �4� for �3 to 6�.
s_educ: education of participant. Education of participants doing the text in Dutch is
given in standard labelled categories. Of participants doing it in English it is given in
years of finished education. To translate the Dutch labels, one can use the following
conversion: �lagere school�=6, �lbo�=10, �mavo�=10, �havo�=11, �vwo�=12, �mbo�=13,
�hbo�=16, �wo�=16.
s_countr: country in which the participant lives.
s_sex: gender of the participant (1=male, 2=female).
s_test: which test was made (1=Dutch, 2=English).
yr1or2: variable giving whether the session belongs to the first batch of data
(experiments 1 and 2) or to the second batch of data (experiment 3).
s_us: if the participant did the English test, is he/she from the US? yes=1.
s_age: age of the participant at the moment the test was made.
nl_edu: education for participants doing the Dutch test translated into a standard 7-point
scale (higher means higher level of education).