
Walnut  >  Documentation  >  Nutshell ground build-up  >  nutshell-ground-buildup.txt


$Id: nutshell-ground-buildup.txt,v 1.1 2002/07/11 12:56:10 maryniak Exp $

Build up Nutshell Project from the ground (ie. source files) up.

    Copyright (C) 2000-2002  University of Amsterdam
    Authors: Robert Berg <rjberg@xs4all.nl>
             Eric Maryniak <e.maryniak@pobox.com>

    The NeuroMod Group on the Web:


Note 1:
    Please read QuickStart.txt first for general information on the
    Nutshell project and how to install the Nutshell project more quickly,
    ie. by using the workspace files (*.dsw) and thus not building it from
    the ground up as described in this document.

Note 2:
    Drive "X:" is your harddisk (eg. "C:") or network drive (eg. "U:")
    on which you store your local MSVC++ project and source files.
1. Start MSVC++ 6.0.
   o File|New menu
     - Projects tab
       - Win32 Application
       - Project name: Nutshell
       - Location: X:\Walnut\Nutshell
         - Important: verify that you type this path exactly as showed!
       - (o) Create new workspace
       - Platforms: [X] Win32

2. What kind of windows application would you like to create?
   - (o) An empty project
   Finish, OK.
3. Populate Project Directory (X:\Walnut\Nutshell).
   Use the Explorer to do this.
   o Put the two Splash files ("version.html" and "walnut.gif") in a
     'Splash' subdirectory (X:\Walnut\Nutshell\Splash).
   o Put the files necessary for building the release (setup), ie:
       i-shield-license.txt, i-shield-infolist-readme.txt,
       winzip-sfx-about.txt, winzip-sfx-dialog.txt
     and these Microsoft Windows system files
       mfc42.dll, msvcp60.dll, msvcrt.dll
     in a 'setup' subdirectory (X:\Walnut\Nutshell\setup).
   o Put all resources in a 'res' subdirectory (X:\Walnut\Nutshell\res):
       *.bmp, *.cur and *.ico files (bitmapped images, cursors and icons)
   o Put "Nutshell.odl", "Nutshell.rc" and "resource.h" in the main 
     project directory (X:\Walnut\Nutshell)
   o Put all (other) source files (*.h, *.c and *.cpp) in a 'source'
     subdirectory (X:\Walnut\Nutshell\source)
   o Put the help file directory 'hlp' and all of its subdirectories under

4. Add resource, source and help files to the project and install the
   CodeJock library (CJLibrary - these are MFC extensions).

   Add resource files.
   o FileView tab
     = Right-mouse click on 'Nutshell files'
       - Add Files to Project..., Files of type: All Files (*.*)
       - Select Nutshell.odl, Nutshell.rc and resource.h (left-control click)
       Files Nutshell.odl and Nutshell.rc will be distributed under
       "Source Files" and file resource.h under "Header Files" automatically.
     = Right-mouse click on Nutshell.odl (from "Source Files")
       - Settings...
         - MIDL tab
           - Settings For: Win32 Release
             - Output file name: \Walnut\Release\Nutshell.tlb
           - Settings For: Win32 Debug
             - Output file name: \Walnut\Debug\Nutshell.tlb
   o FileView tab
     = Right-mouse click on 'Nutshell files'
       - Add Files to Project..., Files of type: All Files (*.*)
       - Browse to the 'res' subdir,
         click on 1 file and control-a (= select all files)
       The resource files will be distributed under "Resource Files"

   Add source files.
   o FileView tab
     = Right-mouse click on 'Nutshell files'
       - Add Files to Project...
       - Browse to the 'source' subdir,
         click on 1 file and control-a (= select all .h, .c and .cpp files)
       The header and source files will be distributed under
       "Header Files" and "Source Files" automatically.

   Add Help and HTMLHelp files, and Excel examples.
   o FileView tab
     = Right-mouse click on 'Nutshell files'
       - New Folder...
         - Name of the new folder: Help Files
         - File extensions: hhp
     = Right-mouse click on 'Nutshell files'
       - Add Files to Project..., Files of type: All Files (*.*)
       - Browse to the 'hlp' subdir, select nutshell.hhp
     = Right-mouse click on nutshell.hhp (from "Help Files")
       - Settings...
         - Custom Build tab
           - Settings For: All Configurations
             - Add the following two lines to Commands (including quotes!):
                 "C:\Program Files\HTML Help Workshop\hhc.exe" $(InputPath)
                 copy $(InputDir)\$(InputName).chm $(TargetDir)
               Change the drive and/or location of the HTML Help Workshop
               appropiately for your system setup, if it is not the default
               drive (C:).
             - Add the following line to Outputs (including quotes!):
   o Put files traveling.xls and XOR.xls in both these two folders:
     Use the Explorer to do this.
   o Create directory:
     and copy the 'include' and 'lib' subdirectory of HTML Help Workshop
     (C:\Program Files\HTML Help Workshop) to X:\Walnut\Nutshell\HTMLHelp.
     Change the drive and/or location of the HTML Help Workshop appropiately
     for your system setup, if it is not the default drive (C:).
     Use the Explorer to do this, too.

   Install CJLibrary.
   This library is needed by Nutshell for the implementation of the
   user interface.
   Description of the CodeJock library (CJLibrary) from the CodeJock web
   site, http://www.codejock.com/, on 2000-06-08:
     " The CJLibrary offers Microsoft (R) Foundation Class developers a
       complete library of MFC extension classes that implement Authentic
       Looking GUIs like those seen in Microsoft Outlook (R), Developer
       Studio (R) and Internet Explorer (TM). "
   The CJLibrary version currently used by Nutshell is: 6.09
   Use the Explorer to install CJLibrary and perhaps Internet Explorer,
   Netscape or another web browser to download it.

   o Copy CJLibSetup609.exe to X:\Walnut\Nutshell
     Use the Explorer to do this.
   o Start CJLibSetup609.exe
     - Setup button
     - Next and Yes (accept agreement) button
     - Browse button
       - Path: X:\Walnut\Nutshell\CJLibrary
       OK. Yes.
     - Next button (Destination folder is X:\Walnut\Nutshell\CJLibrary)
     - (o) Typical. Next button.
     - Next button (ie. accept proposed default Program Folder)
     - Finish button
   o Start _another_ MSVC++ 6.0 session
     Do _not_ use the current MSVC++ Nutshell session (but do keep it open).
     This new MSVC++ session will be used to build the CJ libraries.
     - File|Open Workspace menu
       - Browse to:
         and open. Select Yes (convert the project).
     - Build|Batch Build menu
       - Deselect all project configurations _but_:
         - [X] CJLibrary - Win32 Release
         - [X] CJLibrary - Win32 Debug
     You may get a Linker warning:
       LINK : warning LNK4075: ignoring /EDITANDCONTINUE due to
              /INCREMENTAL:NO specification
     When building has finished, close this MSVC++ session:
     - File|Exit menu
     Finally copy the generated dynamic link libraries to the Walnut
     Release and Debug directory:
     - Copy file X:\Walnut\Nutshell\CJLibrary\Lib\CJLib609.dll to
     - Copy file X:\Walnut\Nutshell\CJLibrary\Lib\CJLib609d.dll to
     Use the Explorer to do this.

5. Project settings for Nutshell.
   o Project|Settings menu
     = The top level item 'Nutshell' in the fileview must always be
     = General tab
       - Settings For: All Configurations
         - Microsoft Foundation Class: Use MFC in a Shared DLL
     = C/C++ tab
       - Settings For: All Configurations
         - Category: Precompiled Headers
         - (o) Automatic use of precompiled headers
               Through header: stdafx.h
           Important note on precompiled headers and memory problems:
             If you are using Windows 95/98/Me and experience strange
             compilation errors (e.g. "internal compiler errors"), then
             do not use precompiled headers and use this setting:
               - (o) Not using precompiled headers
             Strangely enough, MSVC++ erases the "Through header" field
             (stdafx.h) in this case _for all projects_! However, this is
             not a problem, because all modules #include stdafx.h themselves.
             Compilation will be much longer, though.
         - Category: Preprocessor
         - Additional include directories:
           [Note: names are _comma_ separated and must be on one (1) line!]
       - Settings For: Win32 Release
         - Category: Code Generation
         - Use run-time library: Multithreaded DLL
       - Settings For: Win32 Debug
         - Category: Code Generation
         - Use run-time library: Debug Multithreaded DLL
     = Link tab
       - Settings For: Win32 Release
         - Category: General
         - Output file name: \Walnut\Release\Nutshell.exe
         - Category: Input
         - Object/library modules:
           [Note: names are _space_ separated and must be on one (1) line!]
             Paradigms.lib Components.lib WalnutCore.lib
             CJ609Lib.lib htmlhelp.lib
         - Additional Library path:
           [Note: names are _comma_ separated and must be on one (1) line!]
       - Settings For: Win32 Debug
         - Category: General
         - Output file name: \Walnut\Debug\Nutshell.exe
         - Category: Input
         - Object/library modules:
           [Note: names are _space_ separated and must be on one (1) line!]
             Paradigms.lib Components.lib WalnutCore.lib
             CJ609Libd.lib htmlhelp.lib
         - Additional Library path:
           [Note: names are _comma_ separated and must be on one (1) line!]
     = Resources tab
       - Settings For: All Configurations
         - Language: Language Neutral
     = MIDL tab
       - Settings For: All Configurations
         Select the file nutshell.odl from the Source Files (in left window).
         - Output header file name: \Walnut\Nutshell\source\nutshell_i.h

6. Insert WalnutCore, Components and Paradigms into workspace.
   o Project|Insert Projects into Workspace menu
     - Select WalnutCore.dsp from X:\Walnut\WalnutCore
   o Project|Insert Projects into Workspace menu
     - Select Components.dsp from X:\Walnut\Components\Base
   o Project|Insert Projects into Workspace menu
     - Select Paradigms.dsp from X:\Walnut\Paradigms\Base
   o Project|Dependencies menu
     - Select project to modify: Nutshell
     - [X] Components
     - [X] Paradigms
     - [X] WalnutCore
   o Project|Dependencies menu
     - Select project to modify: Components
     - [X] WalnutCore
   o Project|Dependencies menu
     - Select project to modify: Paradigms
     - [X] Components
     - [X] WalnutCore

7. Create MakeFile.
   o Project|Export Makefile
     - [X] Nutshell (.\Nutshell.mak)
     - [X] WalnutCore (\Walnut\WalnutCore\WalnutCore.mak)
     - [X] Components (\Walnut\Components\Base\Components.mak)
     - [X] Paradigms (\Walnut\Paradigms\Base\Paradigms.mak)
     - [X] Write dependencies when writing makefiles.

8. Save workspace.
   o File|Save Workspace menu

9. Build Nutshell project and projects WalnutCore, Components and Paradigms.
   At this point we are finally ready to build the main Nutshell application.
   Compiling Nutshell implies a build of WalnutCore, Components and
   Paradigms first, because the Nutshell project depends on those three
   Use a batch build to ensure this.
   Perhaps you have already built WalnutCore, Components and Paradigms
   previously: this is ok, as all dependencies are always checked

   o Build|Batch Build menu
     - [X] Nutshell   - Win32 Release
     - [X] Nutshell   - Win32 Debug
     - [X] WalnutCore - Win32 Release
     - [X] WalnutCore - Win32 Debug
     - [X] Components - Win32 Release
     - [X] Components - Win32 Debug
     - [X] Paradigms  - Win32 Release
     - [X] Paradigms  - Win32 Debug

   After a successful build, the Nutshell executable (Nutshell.exe),
   the necessary library files (*.dll, *.lib, *.exp) and (compiled)
   html help file (nutshell.chm) is present in:

     \Walnut\Debug    (debug version)
     \Walnut\Release  (release version)

   You can start Nutshell.exe by simply double clicking on it (Explorer).
   Refer to the various Nutshell manuals for more information on how to
   configure, use and program Nutshell.


o Registry
  Nutshell creates a few Registry keys:








$Source: /home/cvsroot/Walnut/C++/Doc/internal/nutshell-ground-buildup.txt,v $

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University of AmsterdamUniversity of Amsterdam
Department of Psychology
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